Fish Pie

Quick and Easy Fish Pie Recipe

Simple and satisfying – a good fish pie is one of the ultimate comfort food recipes there are. It is creamy inside, crunchy on the top and simply delicious all the way through. This is such an easy fish pie recipe and it goes down a storm with children, especially if you make the pies in individual pie dishes.

Quick and Easy Fish Pie Recipe


1 Small onion, quartered
2 Large eggs, hard boiled and quartered
3 tablespoon Plain flour
2 tablespoon Freshly chopped parsley
100 g/3 1/2 oz Butter
125 g/4 oz Large prawns
198 g Can of sweet corn, drained
50 g/2 oz Cheddar cheese, grated
900 g/2 lb Potatoes, cut into chunks
450 g/1 lb Cod fillets, skinned
450 ml/3/4 pint of Milk
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 200″C/400″F/Gas Mark 6, about 15 minutes before cooking. Place the fish in a shallow frying pan, pour over 300 ml/% pint of the milk and add the onion. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes until the fish is cooked. Remove the fish with a slotted spoon and place in a 1.4 litre/2 1/2 pint baking dish. Strain the cooking liquid and reserve.

Boil the potatoes until soft, then mash with 40 g/1 1/2 oz of the butter and 2-3 tablespoons of the remaining milk. Reserve.

Arrange the prawns and sliced eggs on top of the fish, then scatter over the sweet corn and sprinkle with the parsley.

Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan, stir in the flour and cook gently for 1 minute, stirring. Whisk in the reserved cooking liquid and remaining milk. Cook for 2 minutes, or until thickened, then pour over the fish mixture and cool slightly.

Spread the mashed potato over the top of the pie and sprinkle over the grated cheese. Bake in the preheated over for 30 minutes until golden. Serve immediately.

Fish Pie

This Fish Pie recipe is quick and easy to make and which fish to use is up to you. The perfect lunch or dinner dish and also a great way to get fish into your diet.